It's election day, finally! As most people, I'm so tired of the phone calls, the mailings, and the negative ads. Finally it will be over and we will celebrate a new day tomorrow.
A few weeks ago, I was watching The View. I should restate that, while I'm working on either artwork for my tee shirts or doing the actual printing, I have the TV on. I sometimes get to catch what is on and get to hear what they are talking about on the shows.
On this day, Robin Roberts was a guest on the show. She was promoting her new book " From the Heart: 8 Rules to Live by". If you've never heard of her, Robin Roberts is on a favorite morning show of mine, Good Morning America as co-anchor. Some of Robin's beliefs are that rules teach us invaluable lessons such as discipline and responsibility.
Over a year ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She shared her journey with her audience on her morning show as she traveled down her path. I personally admired her for going to work while she was going through her treatments. I cannot imagine what that was like.
As she spoke about her new book, she mentioned that it includes a new rule - "Make your mess your message", one of Robin's mother's rules, something she instilled in her. When I heard this I immediately thought - "wow, that would make a great t-shirt!"
On a whim, I wrote to Robin and asked her permission to use her quote on shirts. Robin wrote back and graciously gave me her permission. She wrote "Absolutely! I would be honored for you to use my quote. People have really responded to it." I was thrilled! My fifteen minutes of fame. Ok, maybe not, but, I loved the idea for this on a shirt. By the way, Robin has a shirt too. I sent her one.
But what does this all mean to me? What is my message? Check back later on that note.
Yesterday I was chatting with someone, a new person I recently met. I love meeting new people and getting to know them. Anyhow, as we were chatting, she shared part of their story with me. they explained that they had suffered from severe asthma and food allergies to the point that she was making almost regular visits to the ER. They were miserable in a lot of areas in their life.
One day she woke up and thought about doing something, especially since nothing had worked this far. So she cut back on he medications and started to feel better. Up to this point she had to be careful what she ate, she couldn't walk far because of the asthma, and when it was too humid, she wound up in the ER by ambulance.
I listened attentively to my new friend speak and share her story with me. When she said that she needed to make a change, and she did, her life became hers again. She cut back on her meds and paid attention to her foods. One day she grabbed the dog and said "let's take a walk" and they did. She felt great! She started walking every day, and ever day she decreased her medication. Before long she took herself completely off the medication, started eating better, and walked every day. She said she felt like a new person. I silently thought to myself "cure thyself" and she did! She turned her life around. She went from a mess to the healthy, happy person she is today. There were other things in her life that she changed as well. But that is
her story.
As I sat there yesterday I thought "that is her message" and it all began to make sense to me. I found what it meant to
Make your mess your message. Her message was to make a change. How cool is that! I figured it out, and I will figure out my message one day too.
Have a mess that you can make into your message? Let me know, I'd like to hear from you. As for the shirts, they are on sale at my store
Say It With A Tee. I've sold a few so far and plan to sell many, many more. Everyone loves them! A portion of the sale is going to the Susan G. Komen The Cure Foundation.
Thanks for listening!
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