Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Google Me

Last night I was surfing the net. So much information, so little time. I decided to look up some people I used to know, see if I could find them and contact them just to catch up. There is so much going on out there in cyberland! There are reunion sites, linked up sites, my space, your space, no space. Then there is face book, and of course google. You always start with google.
I remember back in the day, many, many moons ago when the internet was just a baby. I worked at a computer company and it was our task to find information in cyberspace relating to customer service, which I supported at the time. We used to use dogpile, yahoo, alta vista, etc. to surf and look for info. Then one day one of the techies said - try google. Who knew it would be as big as it is today.
You can find anything on google. Google is also a term now - I think it's even in the dictionary as a term for searching for stuff. Ok, I don't know that for sure, but it was a thought. I did find out from a college student (so it has to be accurate information) that google is more than a trillion. I thought that term was bazillion, but who am I? :-)
Back to last night. So I'm looking up some old friends. I found one, the info was a month old. Not bad as most stuff you find on people is ancient, years old.
A long time ago I set up a google alert on my last name so I could see what info pops up. I get alerts for my sibblings too, and an occasional reminder of the fated day that my father was killed in a plane crash and the report from the FTA shows up. I guess it's just unforgiving, cyberspace that is.
After getting no where with the old friends I haven't seen in years, I decide to google some friends I haven't seen in a few months to see if I could find out what they were up to. Ironically, I found one of my friends in real time. That is, where they were yesterday. Wow, that was wild! I felt like Captain Kirk on the Starship Enterprise locating someone on another planet. Wild I tell ya!
So my shirt for today is - Google Me. Want to find out what someone is up to? Google them and good luck!

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